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  6. Host your Alephium Node via the Flux Marketplace

Host your Alephium Node via the Flux Marketplace

Flux — The Web3 Cloud

Flux core values and ethos is the rise of Web 3.0 — By, and For the People. Evoke the power of corporations and restore it to the common people. The Flux Cloud is decentralized, based on thousands of single servers from all over the world which are all connected in one operating system. Individuals are the backbone of it. They are providing the cloud with computational resources via home-based bare metal machines or rented servers and get incentivized by 50% of the total block reward.

To this date the decentralized cloud of Flux is supported by over 15,000 nodes all around the globe. Its total available computational resources are totalling over 100,000 Cores, over 275 TB of RAM, and over 6 PT (Petabytes) of SSD. A Web 3.0 cloud powerhouse which can be used to deploy applications in a decentralized, and censor resistant manner. There are plenty of advantages of using Flux instead of traditional Web2 infrastructure providers:

  • All applications are redundant and do have automatic failovers in case of any outages
  • The Flux Cloud is agnostic to code language as it uses Docker Hub containers as on-ramp
  • The Flux Cloud automatically keeps applications up to date to the respective container
  • The Flux Cloud offers uncompetitive pricing

Enough introduction! Lets proceed with the guide of how to deploy your very own Alephium Node via the Flux Marketplace in very few steps!

  • We first need to head over to https://cloud.runonflux.io/
  • Once here, Click Sign In / Sign Up with your preferred method – Google, Apple ID, Email or Zelcore.

  • Now that you are authenticated, head over to https://cloud.runonflux.io/app/alephiumnode and click Install Now.
  • Follow the on Screen Instrutions and Select Your Subscription plan – you can select geolocation etc and click nect.
  • Once you have selected your parameters – Click Launch App.:
  • Pay for your Application with Stripe (Card Payments), Paypal or Zelcore
  • NB: If you have logged in with Zelcore you will need to Sign the Application Messages

Once Payment has been made you will be redirected.

  • You are done! We just have to wait for your Alephium Node to be spawned whic will take between 10 to 30 minutes on an available node.

Monitoring of your instances

To monitor and setup your Alephium full node navigate to = My Apps – Active Apps – App Details – Manage App – Component Control – Interactive Terminal.

  • Then select Component and /bin/bash and Connect

Have Fun supporting the Alephium Blockchain with decentralized infrastructure!

Learn more about Flux at www.runonflux.io
Learn more about Alephium at https://alephium.org/

Updated on June 11, 2024