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Getting started with security using Malcare

This article will provide information on how you can setup your site with a simple, free, security plugin called Malcare.

Malcare is a very popular solution for security in the WordPress community. It’s developed by the folks at Blogvault, one of the leading backup service companies in the space. They have spent years perfecting best practices and provide an amazing service that allows you to remotely manage, backup, secure, and update your WordPress site.

Since WordPress is used by 42% of all websites on the internet, it’s important to have a solid security system in place to prevent unwanted guests out!

Installing and activating the plugin

  • Login to your WordPress dashboard
  • Click on Plugins
  • Click on Add New
  • Type in Malcare into the search field

  • Click Install Now
  • Click Activate

You will be prompted by putting in your email address and agreeing to the terms.

  • Enter your email address
  • Agree to the terms
  • Click Submit

  • You will be taken to a screen where the plugin will start to sync your website with the Malcare service.

  • The first initial sync should not take too much time, depending on how large the website is.
  • After completion, you will be brought to a results page with a lot of information. This interface gives you complete control over your website’s security.

The plugin allows you to view your complete protection completely within your WordPress dashboard

Here are few things that the plugin includes:


MalCare’s Cloud-based Scanning ensures no impact on your website ever. Moreover, it detects Complex Malware missed by other popular security plugins for WordPress.


Get Real-Time Protection for your WordPress website against the latest security threats with MalCare’s Smart Firewall. Block hackers & bots before they harm your site.


Automatically prevent brute force attacks with MalCare’s Smart Captcha-Based Login Page Protection. Round-the-clock protection against malicious traffic.

Best practices on setting up security

Here is a complete guide written by the people at MalCare that provides an extremely detailed breakdown of using best practices on security for your website.

Updated on March 8, 2023

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