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  3.  Flux Storage – Hidding your ENV/Commands from the Global API

 Flux Storage – Hidding your ENV/Commands from the Global API

The Flux Cloud uses the blockchain technology of FLUX. To register an application via Flux Cloud you’ll need to sign the application specifications. Doing so makes these specifications publicly accessible on the Flux chain. Some of these specifications can be sensible to users and it would be preferred to stay private. A common example of that is Docker environmental called ENV, which can include API Keys, Node Keys, etc. The Flux Team is aware of this issue and is constantly looking for tools to make these parts in environmental private. Besides the Flux Vault the team has worked out a new service called Flux Storage!

The Flux Storage does not just make the Environmental more private but also allows for longer individual ENV parameters. The Flux Cloud has currently a safety limitation on a maximum payload size per ENV of 400 characters. This limitation is set so as not to overload the system. Applications that require huge payloads in their environment variables or commands are recommended to use Flux Storage to fetch it.

Let’s go ahead with the guide of how to use the new Flux Storage feature for your Docker application and its Environment parameters. There are two ways to leverage that tool. One is my cloning the Flux Storage locally to your device and running it. The other one might be the more seamless one. The Flux Storage tool is directly integrated into the User Interface of home.runonflux.io. Lets start with the User Interface.

Flux Storage — User Interface

  • We first need to head over to https://home.runonflux.io/
  • Now you need to authenticate by clicking on the fingerprint button or manually by signing the message manually on your Zelcore Wallet with the ZelID App.
  • Now that you have been authenticated, head over to https://home.runonflux.io/apps/registerapp. You will see something remarkably like this:
  • If you ever used the home.runonflux.io User Interface to deploy applications on the Flux Cloud you should be familiar with it. The Flux Storage tool is integrated at the “Component” section when you scroll down.
  • You might notice the little cloud symbol box right next to “Environment” and “Commands” — This is the Flux Storage tool
  • To use it you simply put your preferred enviromental parameter inside the brackets with colums at the beginning and end. Lets look at an example.
  • E.g I have put in a key parameter with a variable that is 684 characters long. The maximum that the Flux Cloud allows is for 400 characters. So we will need to use the Flux Storage tool. Another reason why I would like to leverage this tool is that I do not want the Flux Cloud API to reveal my ENV
  • Click the cloud symbol box, and then “Update Environment Parameters”
  • The following notification pop up should show up on your top right screen:
  • You can use this environment parameter now and continue with registering your application in the same window if you wish so.
Updated on March 5, 2024

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