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  3. How to whitelist a Docker Namespace for Flux Cloud deployments

How to whitelist a Docker Namespace for Flux Cloud deployments

  • Visit our GitHub page at runonflux and check the pinned repository at RunOnFlux/flux.
  • Navigate to the “helpers” folder and then access “repositories.json.” You will encounter something similar to this:
  • Now, let’s initiate a Pull Request to add your namespace to the JSON file. Ensure that you are logged into your GitHub account to proceed.
  • Click the pencil icon in the top-right menu and select “Edit in Place.”
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  • To add your namespace, place a comma at the end of the last namespace line of code, press enter to move to the next line, and insert your namespace within double quotations. Since this is the last line of code, there is no need to add a comma here as done previously.
  • Keep in mind that certain Docker repositories require different styles. Here are some examples:

    • DockerHub: Simply put the namespace; no repository or :tag needed. Your entire namespace will be whitelisted — “runonflux.”
    • GitHub Packages: You will need to put ghcr.io, the namespace, and the repository — “ghcr.io/celestiaorg/celestia-node.”
    • AWS: You will need to put public.ecr.aws, the namespace, repository, and tag — “public.ecr.aws/docker/library/hello-world:linux.”
  • Once you have completed this, click on “Commit Changes” in the top-right corner.
  • Then click on “Propose Changes.”
  • Now select “Create Pull Request.”
  • Please read the “Add a description” and input your specifications. Once done, click “Create pull request” again. You can also post it in our Discord server in the #general channel to notify us and expedite the merging process.

Updated on March 5, 2024

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